
Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Fri Sep 13 18:49:57 UTC 2013

Hi :)
I think we need to be wary of that sort of thing.  It can make a page appear outdated even if it's contents are still valid and just means people have to take care to edit every single page even if it's only for that 1 thing.  

It has always been my worry that it's the only reason some of our current pages have a bad reputation for being old.  The advice might still be solid but the version numbers are so out of date that the page is in danger of getting deleted and the wisdom or cunning lost.  Since the move to Unity that has been a lot less of an issue and i am beginning to agree it would be good to just wipe out a large number of pages, or at least stop them from being publicly accessible, but probably just deleting would be best.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Jonathan Aquilina <eagles051387 at>
To: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at> 
Sent: Friday, 13 September 2013, 19:12
Subject: Suggestion

Is it possible to put on the page a list of versions that the steps to setup something applies to that way if and when somethign changes then we know that hey these documents need to be updated to include said stuff for this particular version.

Jonathan Aquilina 
ubuntu-doc mailing list
ubuntu-doc at
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