icon area

Phill Whiteside PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 13 00:59:12 UTC 2013


on my 10% chance of getting the area of icons library [1] updated and being
used, there has to be a bug report issued as high priority and urgent fix.

At present, anyone can edit / remove any attachment with no chance of
recovery. I've flagged this up before as weakness for wiki system. No one
has ever seemed to want to take this 'bug' on.

If I am going to have any real chance of making this library work, then it
will need an adjustment to that area so that people cannot just delete
attachments. My suggestion (as there must always be one)... Limit the *
deletion* rights to the wiki admin team [2] This will need an RT ticket

I know the CC has asked in the past about if the docs team does need any
help, (always bad timing for me), but by putting this onto mailing list;
I'm hopeful we can make some progress on a bug that has been around for at
least a couple of cycles (to my knowledge, may have been even longer).



1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IconsPage
2. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc-wiki-admins

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