When is Ubuntu-help used and when is GNOME-help used?

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Thu Sep 12 16:00:33 UTC 2013

On 2013.09.12 08:07 Jeremy [mailto:jeremy at bicha.net] wrote:
> On 12 September 2013 10:14, Doug Smythies <dsmythies at telus.net> wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> I thought you were still on the ubuntu-doc e-mail list, but I can not find
>> your name there, so forward this e-mail. Also there was this reply from
>> Matt:

> Yes, I'm not subscribed (so please approve this email) because I will
> be leaving the Ubuntu community very soon and needed to turn over some
> of my responsibilities early so that routine things wouldn't be
> dependent on me.

I'm not a list moderator, but include your entire e-mail in this reply.

Sorry, that you are leaving the Ubuntu community. Such a staggering
amount of work you have done.

>> <if:choose>
>>   <if:when test="platform:unity">

> Those conditional platform:unity statements were because I attempted
> to upstream many of the minor ubuntu-docs differences to GNOME. I only
> pushed those changes to git:gnome-user-docs after asking first and
> making sure there weren't objections. However, those changes were
> reverted a bit later (without discussing it with me or even mentioning
> it to me). I disagreed with that action.

> On the other hand, the Mallard format currently doesn't allow for
> conditionals for many elements (titles, pictures, etc.) so currently
> it would be impossible to fully get rid of a separate ubuntu-docs but
> many pages (like the Bluetooth pages) could have been fully merged.

> You are right that unless those conditional statements are upstreamed,
> they're just more of a pain and can be removed.

O.K. My input is that we should remove them.
Kevin's opinion needed,
other opinions optional.

Everyone: If we go ahead there will be some upheaval of the master
source branch for a bit.

> Ideally, when you guys get time, you can use the meld app to rebase
> ubuntu-docs against gnome-user-docs. Except for sticking with
> gnome-control-center 3.6, Ubuntu 13.10 uses GNOME 3.8 so you probably
> want to use the gnome-3-8 branch.

I don't follow that part, nor would I ever have the time.
Somebody else will have to think about, and perhaps comment on,
that paragraph.

> Jeremy

... Doug

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