Yelp platform detection of Unity

Stephen Michael Kellat smkellat at
Thu Sep 5 03:31:23 UTC 2013

On Sep 4, 2013, at 10:52 PM, Kevin Godby <godbyk at> wrote:

> It looks like 3.9.90 was released 2013-08-19 and 3.9.91 was released
> 2013-09-03.  So we're only a couple versions behind.
> —Kevin

Right now the push would need to be for upstream Debian packaging to catch up so Ubuntu changes could be applied.  Debian's GNOME maintenance team would be good to consult at this point.  We don't want our packages to diverge too much except for just cause.

As to getting a new version of yelp into Saucy, the time for that has mostly passed.  Between the work needed Debian-side & the Ubuntu-side Feature Freeze Exception plus Ubuntu delta...I don't imagine anybody will be keen to sign off at this point.  Shooting for the T cycle may be doable, though.

Stephen Michael Kellat
Xubuntu Documentation

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