Wiki Ubuntu Documentation a Quality Product

Martin Dixon mh.dixon at
Wed Oct 30 08:51:58 UTC 2013


Sorry for the subject line!  Before 13.10 was released my idea that the
community wiki documentation was difficult to use was something I just
felt as an irritation.  Now that there is more time(!!!) the idea that
"it is a mess" has, it seems, to have more than one supporter. So the
thought of some vague plan to make it better was born. 

Some initial pointers (in no particular order) -
1) Who is this body of "information" aimed at?
2) Are its contents - valuable (++), useful(+), individual, specialised,
maintainable, rubbish - this needs a lot of expansion - or all of them
at once.
3) Is it practical to keep it in its present form - wiki is OK, its the
way it has been used that is the challenge.

So Martin how do you intend we should sort this mess? I hear you ask. 
Together if possible., I hope.

Initial comments on the above.
1) Probably a very varied audience.  But some bits might reasonably be
brought into sub divisions.
2) Is there any reason why the whole could not (over time) be
selectively divided so that the logical parts could be addressed
separately - sounds like 1) again Martin
3) The fundamental benefit of anyone being able to create new stuff has
(like the world population) created a fundamental challenge for us all.

I trust you will see this as a genuine attempt to start a real if low
level discussion - it may not be the right medium - but I was loath to
create a"new page"!
However, if it is just the"rambling of an old man", please say so - no
need for a page just a few +1 -10s will do to start with!

Regards, Martin

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