doc meeting start working on 14.04

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Oct 28 19:53:21 UTC 2013

Hey there,


> Hey Little Girl.
> You have helped me again - when was that useful Trusty link
> broadcast?

Oh, sorry - I just looked it up and I guess it was a private email
that was sent between a few of us. I thought it was on the list.
Methinks we need to start having all documentation-related
conversations on the mailing list so that if any gems are produced
from them they'll be public. (:

> That's another time I ask one question and get another answered.

I love when that happens, if the information is something I wanted. (:
> However, I am still considering Jonathan's comment as I'am not sure
> that some wiki backup as a help page on method is unnecessary. But
> then again this email may bring that to light!

I may be misunderstanding this, but if it means maybe using the wiki
is a good idea, I'll cast my vote for the Google doc spreadsheet
(even though I have my own reasons for disliking those), simply
because we can all work on that spreadsheet at once and we don't have
to log in to do it.

> I shall start on Trusty docs in the morning now that I can claim a
> target!

Your help is welcome!

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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