Team renewal

MARTIN DIXON mh.dixon at
Sun Oct 27 07:23:39 UTC 2013

May be it was my not being "present" at the Meeting, or my lack of care in reading what I was editing.  

I now acknowledge that the origional was related to ubuntu-doc-committers and that they should at all times be an "alive" bunch.
So that side of the question now appears organised.

However, assuming that the comments (under How can we improve) 

"Lack of contributors and lack of quality of contributors" (godbyk) and "Both" (pmatulis)

were related to ubuntu-doc-contributors and that an expiry date exists for contributors also -
may I suggest that (notwithstanding the "open team" nature) a parallel "chase" email is applied, or that the expiry date be removed.
The need, surely, is to encourage as many active contributors, giving to the best of their individual ability (time, knowledge, etc) as possible.
Not to confuse them by even remotely suggesting that they are about to be "struck off".
If I appear pedantic, my apology, I just want the world to be "perfect"!  

Regards, Martin
p.s.Is this the right forum/way to progress this sort of question (matters arrising from the Meeting)? 
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