A question of semantics

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 17:30:02 UTC 2013

Hey there,

Svetlana Belkin wrote:
> Doug Smythies wrote:
> > Kevin Godby wrote:
> >> Little Girl wrote:
> >>> I've often come across references to "easy" or "easily" (or any
> >>> variant of those) in the Ubuntu documentation, and I feel they
> >>> should either be removed outright or replaced with text that
> >>> doesn't reference the degree to which a user may or may not
> >>> grapple with a task.
> >> I agree completely, for just the reasons you specified.
> > +1 , and as Kevin said, for the reasons given.
> +1

Thanks to all of you! Away they go. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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