Ubuntu One and Ubuntu Packages website
Doug Smythies
dsmythies at telus.net
Tue Oct 22 16:06:08 UTC 2013
On 2013.10.21 09:37 Volkan Gezer wrote:
> The Ubuntu One has been fully translated into Turkish, but there is no
> language option available on: https://login.ubuntu.com/set_language
> Also, only the same languages available for packages.ubuntu.com.
> My questions are:
> * How often does Ubuntu SSO update its translations for new languages?
> * Where do I translate packages.ubuntu.com?
Those two web pages are not maintained by us in the doc team.
I don't know the answers to your questions.
However, I might suggest to follow the translation site link on
the set_language page you mentioned, then switch from "Translations"
to "Overview". Then you will see the Maintainer as the "Ubuntu One" team.
You might contact some of them (they do not have an e-mail list).
Or, click on "File a bug" or "Ask a question" under "Get Involved"
and try that path.
For packages.ubuntu.com I think you should try the contact listed
on the page itself (rhonda at ubuntu.com).
Hope this helps.
... Doug
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