Historical questions

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Tue May 21 18:04:53 UTC 2013

About making doc.ubuntu.com and docteam.ubuntu.com disappear.

On 2013.05.19 14:40 Benjamin Kerensa wrote:

> Canonical IS now has a ticket 21812  open to look into it and I have
> asked the Canonical Comm Team to also provide feedback.

Benjamin, thanks very much both for taking care of this, and for knowing

It took me forever to find the "ticket", I should have just asked.

By the way, tickets 21811, 21812, and 21813 have been merged into 21811


Some links will break when this ticket is implemented (from reviewing
some doc-list archives, I gather it might take awhile).
I am aware of two links on the wiki pages, that I have changed to

... Doug

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