vim: filetype .page as .html

John Kim johnkim.ubuntu at
Sat May 18 17:48:18 UTC 2013

Hey Kevin, 

Earlier today, I realized my issue was vim filetype syntax mapping: On 
my .vimrc file, I put...

set filetype
set syntax on
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.page set filetype=html
au BufRead *.page.stub set filetype=html.

This is just one solution, and it works quite well.

> I added the following lines to my .vimrc file:
> " For Ubuntu docs
> autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.page setfiletype mallard
> And then use the Mallard vim plugin from
> <>.
> If you don't want to use the Mallard vim plugin, change 'setfiletype
> mallard' to 'setfiletype html' in the .vimrc line.
Your solution seems interesting too. What is the advantage of using the 
mallard vim plugin rather than setting just as html?


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