Server Docs Remote Administration

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Sun May 12 03:01:30 UTC 2013

> On 2013.05.11 14:43 Chuck Peters wrote:
>> On 2013.05.11 14:21 wrote:
>>There's a link on that page to report bugs:
>>To report a problem, visit the bug page for Ubuntu Documentation

> Yes, and where does it lead?  
> To report a bug with the package ubuntu-docs, not where to fix a wiki

The Ubuntu server guide is not a wiki.
Also, the link actually is wrong, and seems to never have been updated since
The server guide and desktop stuff were separated.
So a bug report is needed about the bug report link.
I'll take care of it.

As for the original report, about zentyal not been mentioned in the intro
sentence, I'll fix it. The zentyal section was recently added, but
that intro sentence wasn't changed.

As for the bit about apt-dater. Please enter a bug report
That you would like it added, and then join the documentation
contributors group and add it. Otherwise I doubt that it will ever
get done.

> Another spot the wiki could be improved:

> In the section it talks about logging it says to edit the 
> /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named, but if  the query.log is in the
> directory /var/log/named/ one does not need to edit it because
> apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named contains:
>  # some people like to put logs in /var/log/named/ instead of having
>  # syslog do the heavy lifting.
>  /var/log/named/** rw,
>  /var/log/named/ rw,

> Now I need to check if the log will be rotated properly...

I'm not sure I follow, but I'm also not trying very hard to 
follow. You could enter a bug report, so that it doesn't
get lost or forgotten.

Reference: The actual link for serverguide bug reports: 
(on the right under "Get Involved" there is link)

... Doug

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