Getting involved in the docs team

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Mon Mar 25 17:23:40 UTC 2013

On 25.03.2013 17:51, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello,
> On 22.03.2013 14:40, Daniel Holbach wrote:
>> In the next update of we want to bring the
>> information of all kinds of teams into a form like over here:
> I just went ahead and put together
> If somebody could please go and review it and add missing pieces, that'd
> be wonderful.

I just had a brief chat with Liz and she noted that the following bits
and pieces were missing: "so the core stuff of what's missing from docs
team stuff is launchpad (what branch to use?), mallard (but you mention
docbook..?) and in general how this is all handled".

What I probably should have mentioned in my first mail was that
 - on the wiki we'd like to have a bit more detail, like how to
   specifically get started, which branches, etc.
 - on the pad page we'd like to have a bit more general
   information, be more introductory, so people get more
   interest in joining the team and excited about helping out

I hope that helps.

Oh and please CC me on replies. :)

Have a great day,

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