serverguide.pot file and .po files

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Thu Mar 14 18:27:42 UTC 2013

On 2013.03.28 16:15 Doug Smythies wrote:

> Please note: I originally sent this e-mail to Jeremy Bicha,
> however he wanted me to send it to this list:

> On 2013.02.28 08:54 Jeremy Bicha wrote:
>> Could you send this email to the ubuntu-doc list and I'll
>> take a look at answering it (may not be until the weekend)?
>> We need to make sure that other people can figure this out
>> too as there are too few people that understand how procedures
>> like this work for the docs.

> I have been struggling to understand the process of when to update
> the serverguide.pot file and when and how the .po files get updated.
> (Actually, I have been struggling to understand many many things.)

> If we use as an example case [1] and look at the various files we
> see that the serverguide.pot file became current as of that commit,
> 2012.10.22. However the various .po files were based on the previous
> severguide.pot file of 2012.04.03 and seem to take quite awhile, a month
> or more, to get updated. (Which makes sense, because doesn't someone
> else in the chain of events actually update the .po file? (in launchpad,
> not in the main BZR branch))

> Does updating the serverguide.pot file, in the main BZR branch,
> trigger a chain of events leading to new .po files, in launchpad?
> I have updated the 12.04 serverguide.pot file twice in
> the last few days. The first time was in response to [2], where it was
> significantly outdated. The second time was just because I was accepting
> a merge proposal anyway. Maybe I should have only updated it once, and
> then leave it for a chunk of time.

> Why do we bother to update the .po files during a commit, albeit rarely?
> They are already out of date at the time of the commit anyhow, if the
> also includes an update to serverguide.pot at the same (which all of
> the examples I have found do).

> For this line from the example commit [1]: "Import translations from LP"
> How does one do it?

> [3] suggests that quantal has automated .po file import. As far as I 
> have determined that is incorrect, and Jeremy did it manually.
> However they are still out of date, as there is a one cycle lag
> between serverguide.pot and the .po files. Is that correct?

> ... Doug Smythies

> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Can anyone help?

Since I originally wrote, I have also found from [5]:

"The documents are not automatically imported into Ubuntu
(like the translation of programs). They need to be exported
and uploaded manually to the packages. The documentation
team will take care of this on occasions."

This does not seem to have been done for the 12.04 serverguide
initial release cycle. For my part of it, I had no clue it had
to be done nor how to do it. Even if I had known it should have
been done, I did not know how to check if it had been done.

The same reference [5], says:

"When a good time comes to import the translations, the translations
can be downloaded from rosetta (for example, the "Download Translations
link here). You can either download translations for all documents or
for documents individually."

Where "here" is [6] and I can not find the "Download Translations" link
On that page. Should that link still be to "hardy"?

Evidently, the Russian pdf version of the Ubuntu server guide is
at [7]. Does that mean there has not been a published Russian
Ubuntu serverguide since version 10.04? How can I find any (I don't
care what language, as I just want to observe structure) published
translated Ubuntu serverguide 12.10 PDF version?

... Doug Smythies 

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