not in saucy doc.

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Mon Jun 10 07:07:46 UTC 2013

On 2013.06.09 17:27 John Kim wrote:

> Looking at this LP bug report...


> net-editcon existed for 12.04 - 13.04, but it seems it has been
> dropped for 13.10.  If this is the case, the bug no longer applies.  

Hi John,

The master source file that leads to the net-editcon.html page is and it is still there.

See this line near the top of the file:

There does not have to be a 1 to 1 .page name to .html name

Tip: the only way I have ever been able to identify what
bug reports are referring to back in the master source file
is to grep the entire source for some string from the area
of the bug report. Often it takes a few search attempts, due
to line breaks in the master source.

... Doug

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