Ubuntu Documentation - Getting Started

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Sun Jul 14 14:27:27 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

On 2013.07.13 18:15 John Kim wrote:

> The doc information looks really great; all the essentials
> are covered! However, it would be nice to include whether
> the machine must be a development version or that's optional.
> For instance, is it possible to branch saucy docs and test
> the information on a Precise?

Hi John,

Yes, you can use a precise 12.04 computer (or whatever) to
compile and test saucy (13.10) documentation. And actually,
that is what I have been doing for both the desktop docs and
the serverguide. Where it can be a potential issue is with
trying to fix bug reports that are related to formatting type
issues, and newer versions of the compile tools fix the problem.
While I forget the details, we had an issue during the 12.04 release
cycle, where the final published serverguide had to be built on a
12.04 computer as it included the newer docbook stuff which solved
some formatting issue.
( https://bugs.launchpad.net/serverguide/+bug/957068 )

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