Suggestion re the possible creation of a smaller "TitleIndex" Wiki page.

Geoff Smith taurusone at
Sat Feb 2 13:56:44 UTC 2013


I don't know if this email is going to the right address or not, however 
please advise if it is not the case.

In case the address is O.K. I will outline my suggestion anyway. I made 
an embarrassing faux pas in the Ubuntu Forums when I suggested that 
there was a need for a Documentation Contents Wiki, not knowing that a 
Title Index already existed.

However this index does not completely fulfil the requirements that I 
had in mind. As an example, I have about 62 Documentation pages on my 
computer, those being the ones I most refer to, either for my own 
purposes or to post links in the forums. My idea of having a 
Documentation Contents Wiki would mean all links in the page would 
eliminate the need for these addresses to be Bookmarked separately. One 
Bookmarked address however may not prove ideal for the present Title 
Index in my opinion. I found on my computer that it took 22 seconds to 
load initially.

I see the ideal number of links on such a page for me would be perhaps 
between 100 and 120. I would be interested in knowing the present number 
of links on the page. As an exercise I was thinking of creating a Wiki 
page with less links in it. I considered that I could possibly post a 
thread on the Forums Cafe to measure the worth of such an idea and to 
possibly collect a list of popular Pages. It would be a learning process 
for me if I was to attempt such a task.

Another problem (for me anyway) is that I find the present Title Index 
hard to read. Perhaps with a larger font the lesser number of titles 
could be accommodated ? My last question relates to which template was 
used for the present Title Index.

I trust this suggestion is going to the right place.

With kind regards,
Geoff Smith.

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