[wiki] Page deletion guidelines
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 15 07:44:33 UTC 2013
On 2013-12-15 07:06, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
> On 15/12/13 00:31, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
>> I modified the description of "Candidate for deletion":
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tag?action=diff&rev2=26&rev1=25
>> I replaced
>> "... useless to all Ubuntu users."
>> with
>> "... counterproductive and/or add negligible value considering the
>> official documentation and other wiki pages."
>> That change may not be completely uncontroversial, though.
> I think this is communicated in some of the other tags, so I don't know
> if the deletion tag needs it as well. Feel free to prove me wrong :)
Since you claim so, I'd say that you have the burden of proof. ;-) But
in any case I think there is a need to include it for the deletion tag
specifically. If I find confusing or counterproductive recommendations
on a page, I can edit it without making use of tags, but if I find that
a page as a whole is confusing or counterproductive, I can't delete it
In general the Tag page states 'formal' criteria for using the various
tags - version, the WikiGuide, spelling/grammar/structure, length - and
not content quality criteria. I don't know if this is intentional - too
'dangerous' to be subjective? - but I feel that it kind of holds me back.
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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