Category Subscribing?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sat Dec 7 22:16:49 UTC 2013

Hey there,

Svetlana Belkin wrote:

> Little Girl wrote:
> > Since it mentions a wiki category, probably if you subscribe to
> > any CategorySOMETHING page (with SOMETHING being whatever
> > category you're interested in), then any change to any page in
> > that category will put a notification into your inbox. Beware
> > that you can get a lot of notifications this way. (:
> Okay.  Thank you. Too bad you can't have a digest system for that.

I think the reason it doesn't offer that is so we can catch unwanted
information on a page as soon as it happens, and a digest would
probably only arrive every so often rather than the instant a change
was saved.

> I asked because I thinking of finding ways to split the task of
> cleaning up the wiki and to stay on top of things after it's
> cleaned up.

Good luck with that. It's so nice to see how much dedication you (and
others) have for doing a good job with the wiki, and I hope you stay
for a long time and keep doing what you're doing. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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