Ubuntu Wiki Admin Team

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Sat Dec 7 14:43:43 UTC 2013

On 07/12/13 11:39, Matthew East wrote:
> On 7 December 2013 01:55, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> I'm unsure that you would have the permissions to add other admins. IS
>> informed me the process for this is to file an RT and have it assigned to
>> jcastro.
> I'll start a new thread so that this is easier to find for reference.
> The way that permissions work on the wiki is that there is an
> "AdminGroup" and a "EditorGroup". The EditorGroup gives access to
> delete and rename pages. That's the group that we've called the
> ~ubuntu-doc-wiki-admins.
> To add someone to the ~ubuntu-doc-wiki-admins team, they just need to
> be added to the EditorGroup page on the wiki, as the Launchpad page
> states. I've done this for Lyz and Pasi.

Does the adding members to the LP group still happens manually?

> The AdminGroup, as far as I can remember, gives the right to change
> the access control settings on pages (see
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HelpOnAccessControlLists). At the
> moment this group can change the members of the EditorGroup page.
> The AdminGroup on our wiki currently is made up of me, Matt Nuzum, and
> Colin Watson. I can't remember what Matt and Colin used their
> permissions for but I guess that they were contributing some specific
> pages that needed this. I think it might have been to update this page
> (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes) which Colin has been
> doing in recent times, but that doesn't quite seem right since other
> users have also been able to edit that page in the past. I used the
> permission for adding people to the EditorGroup.

It sounds to me that it would probably be best to have some Community
Council account in this group as well, if you people are not around or
overly busy. Sure, you don't need to use those permissions too often,
but it would make sense to secure the access to that group relatively

Matthew, thanks for being available even if not too much "around"!

> I think that there is a different type of administrator in MoinMoin
> called a super user, which requires sysadmin intervention to add. If I
> recall rightly, I have this access too, but it's so long since I
> needed to use it that I can't even remember what it does. It's
> possible that it brings the ability to edit the AdminGroup.

See the comment above. Maybe just this group could be enough though.

> Frankly I don't know whether a different structure of permissions can
> be used with MoinMoin. I'd be happy to use whatever rights I still
> have to add others to AdminGroup, to change the permissions structure
> (if this can be done and if the team wants to do so) and then to
> remove myself!

Again, see comment above for my thoughts.

> Let me know what the team would like to do.
> Matt


Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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