Tagging wiki pages with Ubuntu version numbers

Hannie Dumoleyn lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Sat Dec 7 07:29:59 UTC 2013

Just my 2 cents. +1 from me. This is what I suggested a few weeks (or
months? :)) ago. The only snag is that those who write or edit a wiki
page should also be convinced they have to add a version tag always. Or
is there a way to automate that?

op 06-12-13 21:52, Kevin Godby schreef:
> Hello.
> There's been a lot of discussion lately about out-of-date wiki pages
> and how few of them are actually tagged as being out of date.
> One potential solution to this would be to have tags for each Ubuntu
> version (e.g., 13.04, 13.10, 14.04). When you create or edit a wiki
> page, tag it with the Ubuntu version that it's written for (usually
> the current/latest version). Then we could easily find out of date
> pages—those pages tagged with earlier Ubuntu versions—so they may be
> updated, redirected, etc.
> What do you think?
> —Kevin

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