A Though on Redundancy of Community Wiki and Other Forms of Support

Svetlana Belkin barsookmud at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 1 18:33:07 UTC 2013

On 12/01/2013 12:56 PM, cprofitt wrote:
> [SNIP]
>> I understand why we still have the Community Wiki (or I don't), but in
>> it's current state, it's not effective.  Or it's because AskUbuntu was
>> added later on for the ease of support.
> AskUbuntu was added later on. The Community Wiki, in my opinion, should
> be used to document things like the following:
>       * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla
>       * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide
> [SNIP] 
> In my opinion documents like this are not ideal:
>       * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Moodle

> This is due to the fact is simple points to another external source >
and there is/was no need for a unique page. One page listing all the
> external instructions could have been compiled and used. I do realize
> that this might be a personal preference though.

I agree and I think we need some sort of rules on what should be added
to the Community Wiki.  If they are already created, maybe have them (or
a link) posted somewhere where everyone can see them (or the link)?

>> It's either we need to figure out what what users want from the Ubuntu
>> Community Wiki via a survey or we, as a team, could work activity and
>> clean it up so it's easier to use.  Or another solution can be also
>> worked out, maybe something on the AskUbuntu site about the Community Wiki.
> AskUbuntu, in my opinion, is not the best place for a detailed guide to
> installing Joomla or configuring Samba. It is fantastic for asking
> questions such as why 'passwordless ssh can not accept the key' -
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/378342/passwordless-ssh-cannot-accept-the-key

Is there anything, on AskUbuntu, that says what users can ask and if
it's the basic stuff for a program, check the wiki?  Or use the
suggestion that you suggested below.

> I am sure that since AskUbuntu came later that there is cross over. I
> also agree that there is likely confusion amongst end users as to what
> resources to use to get the information they need. In a perfect world...
> A guide on installing Joomla would be created on the
> help.ubuntu.com/community wiki and it would link to AskUbuntu using a
> search term as follows: http://askubuntu.com/search?q=joomla

I like that idea, but how easy will that be to code and allow AskUbuntu
to have a link to the guide from the Community Help Wiki?

> Thanks for raising the point. I think it is one we have to work through.

Not a problem.

Svetlana Belkin

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