bazaar and sandbox

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Dec 1 16:13:28 UTC 2013

Hey there,

Mauricio Tavares wrote:

> If you are downloaded a copy of the docs using bazaar and are doing
> some work on it, how can you submit it to the sandbox using bazaar
> instead of to the development branch? I know you can preview your
> handiwork locally but sometimes it is nice to have it accessible by
> others.

If you log in to Launchpad and click the Code link at the top of the
page, it will give you a bzr push command you can use to upload your
sandbox work. Change BRANCHNAME in that command to whatever you want
to call the sandbox you'd like to upload.

I've never tried uploading code to my personal Launchpad branch, but
I assume that if you wanted to upload various sandboxes, you could
use a different BRANCHNAME for each one. I might have to play around
with that at some point. Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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