SLACK could it work for doc team

Martin Dixon mh.dixon at
Thu Aug 29 06:28:15 UTC 2013

Hi :) I suggest this is treated as very low priority before 13.10.

Please see and the reply I received when I enquired
about its use with Linux -
Yes, it's possible to run Slack on a Linux OS. Slack runs inside your
web browser, and we do have a few customers using it on Linux systems.

This may be a very personal problem, but email tends to leave me very
disjointed and confused when handling a lot of different streams -
not all Ubuntu!

Would the use of such a facility improve our overall "production" and
reduce time on individual challenges?

Would it make Ubuntu even more superior!

Just a thought, I will not be "offended" if its shot down, we are all
different. :-D


ps I have not signed up with SLACK yet, but would be prepared to put
some work into it.

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