Etiquette for a Newbie apology

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Wed Aug 28 19:50:27 UTC 2013

On 2013.08.28 09:21 Tom Davies wrote:

> No need to apologise!


> It is being worked on and that is causing unavoidable confusion.

+1 The thread has gone on way too long, and yes it has become very confusing.

> You'll notice Doug's post drives towards this although i tend to get muddled
> by the order of his to-do's.  I will probably get used to it though.

Huh? My To-Do list was very clear!!! (Just joking)

Yes, it is confusing (I just re-read it), and perhaps not fair to ask
Phill to do it. I'll take care of it in a few hours. We were trying for consensus,
but now I'm just going to force an end to it.

... Doug

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