Etiquette for a Newbie

John Kim johnkim.ubuntu at
Wed Aug 28 13:31:35 UTC 2013

2013? 08? 28? 01:24, Martin Dixon ? ?:
> If this is a bit confused please bear with me.
> Ubuntu documentation is vast and (at first) quite daunting for anyone
> attempting to make a contribution to its upkeep. 
> This is not a bug, or a complaint!
>     Is there any overview Index, Map, or whatever as a complement to
>     the Search facility, which might help one locate a desired subject? 
> There were emails, in the past, which covered the editing of replies
> to reduce space and improve clarity of communication and
> more recently on forms of address (Hi :-)   for all, @Martin for an
> individual, etc)
> Reference, in the past, has been made (Re: Ubuntu Documentation -
> Getting Started ) to **
> ****      **
> and more recently
> to*
> *
>     the latter link, for me, results in -*This page does not exist
>     yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page
>     templates.*
>     which may be one and the same, but for very sensible reasons the
>     latter is hidden or restricted.** 
>     **Is **it practicable to include a page in, or associated with
>     Getting Started which covers the communication points
>     raised in the posts on the editing and addressing of emails
>     referred to above?
>     I do appreciate that Getting Started is meant to be short and
>     pithy and that there are many individual approaches to both these
>     subjects.
>     Martin**
Yeah, is the GettingStarted page [1] still not open for the rest of the
public yet? I get a similar "This page does not exist yet" error.


John Kim
Student / Pylang maintainer
johnkim.ubuntu at

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