A bit of experimenting

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Tue Aug 27 14:36:36 UTC 2013

On 2013.08.27 Kevin Godby wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 2:56 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn
> <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl> wrote:
>> On https://help.ubuntu.com/13.04/ubuntu-help/unity-launcher-shapes.html
>> I found the following ugly sentence:
>> Two triangles means that you two windows of the same app open.
>> I ran "make" from my branch /ubuntu-docs-saucy/html/ which builds the
>> html files for me in /build. These pages are based on
>> /ubuntu-docs-saucy/ubuntu-help/C/, see makefile for lc in C
>> $(help_linguas); do \.
>> The command ~/ubuntu-docs-saucy/html$ grep -R "Two triangles means that"
>> ./ gave me the following output:
>> ./build/en/unity-launcher-shapes.html:    Two triangles means that you
>> have two windows of the same app open.
>> My conclusion is that the error has been fixed in Saucy.
>> Are the files in my branch /build/ the same as the ones on
>> And is this the right way to find errors?
>> If it still needs to be fixed, should it be done in the .page file in
>> /ubuntu-help/C/ ?

> That's generally the method I use to find errors.  Oftentimes the URL
> (http://.../unity-launcher-shapes.html) corresponds to a .page file
> (unity-launcher-shapes.page in this case).

> In this case, I beat you to it! (Okay, really Sylvie beat us to it.)
> This was reported as bug #1170491
> <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/1170491>.
> and I fixed it in revision 213

My 2 cents on this one:
When trying to identify the location of a typo back in the source code,
I usually don't bother to build the html, but rather just look for it
in the source. I.E.:

doug at s15:~/docs-1310/saucy/ubuntu-help/C$ grep "Two triangles" *.page
unity-launcher-shapes.page:    Two triangles means that you have two windows
of the same app open.
doug at s15:~/docs-1310/saucy/ubuntu-help/C$

Of course, keeping in mind that line breaks in the source can make it so
the search misses, in which case I modify the search. If the string is not
unique enough for minimum false hits, then I look for a more unique string
nearby. I.E.:

doug at s15:~/docs-1310/saucy/ubuntu-help/C$ grep -A3 -B3 "three or more
windows" *.page
unity-launcher-shapes.page-  <p>Once the app has finished starting, a small
<em>white triangle</em> will show
unity-launcher-shapes.page-    to the left of the Launcher square.
unity-launcher-shapes.page-    Two triangles means that you have two windows
of the same app open.
unity-launcher-shapes.page:    If you have three or more windows of the same
app open, three triangles will show.</p>
unity-launcher-shapes.page-    <note style="tip"><p>Apps that aren't
currently running have translucent Launcher icon squares.
unity-launcher-shapes.page-    When an app is running, the Launcher icon
square is full of color.</p></note>
doug at s15:~/docs-1310/saucy/ubuntu-help/C$

Now, on the subject of the saucy master files differing from the
help.ubuntu.com 13.04 stuff:

There are some minor differences. Just as was done during the
13.04 cycle, I had hoped to have a preliminary 13.10 posted
on help.ubuntu.com by now. However, I have become stuck with
some serverguide issues, and need another few days.  

... Doug

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