Release TODO

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Tue Aug 27 00:14:20 UTC 2013

Hi :)
I did like it that it got spotted.  

I think "," before and is the US way.  Personally i prefer the English ways but to be consistent across all pages we go with the US way.  Getting negative responses on your 1st 2 suggestions is not a bad thing.  It helps us to see where we might need to change our recently radically improved "Getting Started" page.  

Some people changed tons of stuff before realising that en-us is the standard [looks down at floor] [blushes] [shuffles feet].  Getting that out of the way early is a good move!
Regards from
Tom :)  

 From: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
To: Doug Smythies <dsmythies at>; "ubuntu-doc at" <ubuntu-doc at> 
Sent: Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 0:35
Subject: Re: Release TODO

Hi :)
I quite like the footer being consistent across almost all pages.  if it suddenly changed radically on the Legal page then it might freak me out a little for a moment.  It's would be unusual to see such attention to detail on a website.  I don't really mind though
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Doug Smythies <dsmythies at>
To: ubuntu-doc at 
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 23:12
Subject: RE: Release TODO

On 2013.08.26 12:12 Kevin Godby wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 1:59 PM, MARTIN DIXON <mh.dixon at>
>> I would like to start helping , but am wary of being a pedant please 
>> see sample attached to confirm my approach is OK

I am unable to open the attached document.

>> Using link Legal - leads to that 
>> page, but on
>> Using link Legal creates a circular loop to the same page.

> That's true. The footer text is added to the bottom of
 every page.
> It may be difficult to add an exception to the legal page, so I doubt
> this will be fixed in the near future. Thanks for reporting it, though!

Actually, there are about 4 or 5 files on that are
not slave to the upstream projects. The legal.html file is one such file,
as are the various higher level index.html files. Therefore it would be
trivial to change the legal.html footer, if that is what is decided is
required. The footer would not be overwritten by the compile time footer
stuff. If you look closely, you will realize that footer didn't change
during the footer update of mid May (which is my mistake).

As for the link looping back on itself, but in all other respects being
consistent across all pages, myself I don't have a problem with it.
However, I'll defer to what the group wants. Let me know, as I will
probably fix my missed footer change (also missed in
in the day or two.

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