Release TODO

Kevin Godby godbyk at
Mon Aug 26 08:47:25 UTC 2013

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at> wrote:
> Its time to start getting in final merge proposals for 13.10 and we still
> have some documentation that needs updating so I ask that those of you who
> are familiar with our work flow please grab a fresh copy of the saucy branch
> and review doc for potential updates and improvements.

I'd add that for those who are unfamiliar with the Mallard markup
language, bzr, etc. but still want to contribute, you can email this
mailing list or file bugs against the ubuntu-doc project about
out-of-date or incorrect documentation.

You can review the current documentation at
<>.  Just let us
know which URL you're looking at and what errors you come across.



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