Ubuntu Documentation - Getting Started

John Kim johnkim.ubuntu at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 14:22:57 UTC 2013

Hi Kevin, 

I like the discussion that's happening here. I agree that the packaging information and the contributing information should be kept separate. It keeps consistency without having to make contributors more than they need. 

This makes me curious: are packaging and contributing docs separate tasks? The doc packager sounds like the doc team's personal motu. And how many people do we need to do package work anyway? 

We will eventually need to have our own sort of advert, or marketing campaign too. 

Kevin Godby <godbyk at gmail.com>이 씀:
>Hello, Doug.
>On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:18 PM, Doug Smythies <dsmythies at telus.net>
>> ??? I do not understand. Did I do something wrong?
>> I'm saying that the edits I did, have already eliminated any unneeded
>> packages. I also deleted the entire GPG stuff. So, I'm saying it is
>> contributor specific, and even desktop specific because there is
>> a good serverguide specific "getting started" page (which needs the
>> docbook packages).
>I apologize, my email wasn't very clear.
>I agree with your proposal to remove the GPG stuff.
>In addition, I propose that we remove the 'Configure your shell' and
>'Updating the changelog' sections as that's more of a packaging issue
>than a contributor issue. This means the contributor won't need all of
>the packages we have them installing at the top of the page.
>Other than that, I think it's to the point where we can bring in a
>couple new contributors and have them walk through the getting started
>process and see how things go.
>> The packaging page, where Benjamin got a bunch of the content, and
>> Hannie pointed to that time, can stay as the packaging reference.
>> However, and due to not needing GPG, I now agree with including the
>> remaining content, rather than linking to the packaging page.
>> There are still some other things to agree on, from my e-mail
>> of the other day (which is why we are currently maintaining two
>> of the page at the moment).
>Here are my thoughts on the getting started page:
>The getting started page is aimed at new documentation contributors.
>Many of these contributors may be interested in helping Ubuntu and
>think that documentation is something they can start with as they're
>not developers.  So the getting started page needs to provide them
>with the minimal steps required for them to start contributing to the
>project. We don't want them to have to jump through any extraneous
>hoops (e.g., installing things only used for packaging, setting up
>unnecessary GPG keys).  We should aim to make contributing to the
>documentation as simple and painless as possible.
>On a separate page (or pages if necessary), we should document the
>complete procedure for packaging the documentation. These instructions
>should also be comprehensive and easy to follow. This page can contain
>the steps for maintaining the changelog, creating the GPG keys and
>using them to sign the packages, etc.  This page should cover the
>entire release process including packaging and pushing to the web.
>What do you guys think about this?
>ubuntu-doc mailing list
>ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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