ubuntu-doc for raring

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 8 16:21:48 UTC 2013

On 8 April 2013 15:38, Peter Matulis <peter.matulis at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 04/07/2013 12:28 PM, Matthew East wrote:
>> If anyone wants some advice on how to contribute seriously to Ubuntu
>> documentation using our current toolchain, I'm sure that Jeremy and I
>> will be happy to give advice to any new contributors
> What are the steps involved in publishing changes to existing guides
> (HTML, PDF), the Server Guide in particular?

They are the same as publishing the guides in the first place
You just generate the html and pdf, and copy it over to the relevant
help.ubuntu.com bzr branch, then commit.

Historically, Ubuntu documentation has only very rarely been updated
after a release because it means that the translations will
automatically be out of date. This can of course be overcome by having
a post-release freeze period similar to that done before the release
(string freeze, translation activity, publication) but it's only
rarely that there has been enough manpower in the docteam to do
something like this.

However this problem is more pronounced in relation to Ubuntu Desktop
Documentation than in relation to the Server Guide because the former
is published in the distribution itself as well as online. In the case
of the Server Guide, given that it is not published in the
distribution itself, and given that translations aren't published on
help.ubuntu.com, there is no real reason not to just do it.


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