[UIFe] Online Accounts legal notice buttons

David King david.king at canonical.com
Wed Sep 26 09:49:27 UTC 2012

Hi translators and documenters

I am requesting a UI freeze exception to add an important (required, 
really) legal notice to the Online Accounts control center panel:


The fix to the bug is essential if Online Accounts is to be included in 
Ubuntu, as it ensures that Canonical (which owns the API keys) fulfils 
the terms of service of the providers which are used. More information 
on the legal details can be found in the bug, and the legal notice can 
be found in the merge:


The relevant UI changes are the addition of two user-visible strings 
(‘Learn more’ and ‘Legal notice’ for buttons which link to the legal 
notice), the change of an existing string (adds a full stop at the end 
of a sentence) and the addition of the legal notice as a Mallard page (a 
page of legal copy).  The additions result in the UI of the panel 
changing to accommodate the new buttons, such that any existing 
screenshots would need to be retaken. Screenshots of the existing panel 
and the proposed changes are available in the bug.

Can a freeze exception be granted?

Thanks in advance


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