Poster for converting to Unity

Paddy Landau paddy at
Wed May 30 16:45:56 UTC 2012

I am writing about the attached email (below).

Do you know what the status is for having this added to the Ubuntu website?

A direct link to the PDF:

The source document:

The Spreadbuntu link is here, but I think there is a small problem with
it; I will investigate.


On 28/04/12 17:40, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 27/04/12 08:56, Paddy Landau wrote:
>> *Now, here is the reason I am posting this message:*
>> I strongly believe that this poster would be a strongly beneficial
>> addition to the Ubuntu download page.
> Having received the reaction of someone from the Ubuntu-UK mailing
> list, I agree wholeheartedly.  I answered a couple of his questions
> and pointed him to the poster.  He is getting along just fine now.  It
> works well.  Please can someone get it linked from the Ubuntu Website.
> Kind regards,        Barry.
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