Changes to the User-Management page

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Wed May 30 08:16:00 UTC 2012

Hi :)
Sorry for the delay!  It was night here.  The official pages are not so easy to change but if you can find an equivalent page in the "Community Documentation" then you can register yourself and make changes to that.  

Good luck and happy hunting!
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 29/5/12, Filipe Funenga <filipe.funenga at> wrote:

From: Filipe Funenga <filipe.funenga at>
Subject: Changes to the User-Management page
To: ubuntu-doc at
Date: Tuesday, 29 May, 2012, 1:24

Hi everyone,I would like to propose changes to the page:

but I don't know where to do it. If this is not the place, please tell me.
I feel that the following questions where not answered:  How do I know what users the systems has? Is "sudo lastlog" the right way?

  When adding a user, what password should I give him? How does he change it later?  How do I share the administration of a server with someone else?
In my opinion, the section "Where is root?" has a better understanding if placed after the "Adding and Deleting users".

Filipe FunengaLisbon PT

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