Problems with ubuntunew (was Re:

Matthew East mdke at
Wed May 2 21:32:21 UTC 2012

On 2 May 2012 17:52, Chris Druif <chrisdruif at> wrote:
> Included above is the important section of the previous thread. My question
> about this is what is wrong with the new theme? It had similarities with the
> default theme on wiki.u.c but lacks numerous features it has. On the top of
> my hat I recall that bulleted list don't bullet but count (might have been
> fixed by now) and text-align in tables also doesn't work.

The code for the theme is here:

Feel free to propose fixes to any issues that you see.

The new theme on was developed separately from the
theme for The latter theme has some differences with
the main Ubuntu website and other Ubuntu sites and unfortunately, it
was not easy to find at the time we developed the theme for If you are interested in the history, read from this
message onwards:

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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