Community Wiki

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Tue Jun 26 10:14:04 UTC 2012

Hi :)
I fell into the MS-world trap of thinking it was user-error instead of listening and checking.  I was hoping that people would carry on ignoring my post and carry on with the excellent trouble-shooting they were doing! 

So, who can fix the default theme?
Many apols and regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Tue, 26/6/12, Paddy Landau <paddy at> wrote:

From: Paddy Landau <paddy at>
Subject: Re: Community Wiki
To: ubuntu-doc at
Date: Tuesday, 26 June, 2012, 11:06


    On 26/06/12 01:05, Tom Davies wrote:

    > Can it cope with spaces before the * or do there have to be
    spaces?  Is there something about having a space or making sure
    there isn't one at the end of each line?



    It is to do with the CSS for this theme. The resulting HTML code is
    correct, but the theme's CSS prevents it from displaying correctly.


    The easiest thing to do is to fix the CSS, assuming that the CSS is




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