Poster for converting to Unity

Paddy Landau paddy at
Fri Apr 27 07:56:08 UTC 2012


This may a be a little late, but I there is something that I'd like to

Keith Burnett has recently created a thrilling and professional poster,
targeted at people migrating from 10.04 (Gnome) to 12.04 (Unity).

In my opinion, it is also excellent for other people new to Unity, e.g.
from Windows, Mac or a different distro.

Have a look at the latest version, available in this post on Ubuntu Forums:

In the true spirit of Ubuntu, Keith has released the poster with an open

*Now, here is the reason I am posting this message:*

I strongly believe that this poster would be a strongly beneficial
addition to the Ubuntu download page.

It would allow people new to Unity to say, "Ah, that's how it works!"
instead of feeling bewildered and upset.

It will certainly help to enhance Ubuntu's reputation.

Opinions, please?


P.S. There is still a minor omission that I'm discussing with Keith, and
I shall let you know as soon as it is fixed -- today, I hope.
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