String Freeze Exception for Checkbox

Ara Pulido ara at
Thu Sep 29 07:06:41 UTC 2011

On 09/28/2011 09:56 AM, David Planella wrote:
> El dt 27 de 09 de 2011 a les 15:55 +0200, en/na Ara Pulido va escriure:
>> Hello,
>> This email is to ask for a string freeze exception in the next upload of
>> Checkbox (0.12.8).
>> On that upload, there are two bugs that will break the string freeze:
>> 1)
>>     Checkbox is going to be used mainly for the Ubuntu Friendly
>> programme. As we don't have menus anymore, the software needs to be easy
>> to discover
> Translators, this changes a string on the desktop file's comment field:
> Original: "Test and report system information"
> Change: "Test your system and submit results to the Ubuntu Friendly
> project"
>> 2)
>>    This warning message is very important. People are going to use
>> checkbox in Oneiric thanks to the Ubuntu Friendly programme. People
>> could lose data, if they don't save their stuff before starting testing


Thanks for the approval. We will upload the package early today.

This upload will contain yet another string exception :( Really sorry,
but we want Ubuntu Friendly to work as good as possible when launching.

We have received feedback from the community that one of the core
questions that we ask the user, and used to calculate the rating of a
system, is confusing.

We have added a string that tries to clarify it.

Thanks for your consideration,

> Translators, this adds a string:
> "Warning: Some tests could cause your system to freeze or become
> unresponsive. Please save all your work and close all other running
> applications before beginning the testing process."
> I've replied on the bugs and given a +1 to the changes, as I think they
> make sense: the first one to ensure discoverability of Ubuntu Friendly
> and the second one to present the user a critical piece of info.
> Please upload asap, so that the new translations template makes it to
> Launchpad in time for translators to translate the new string.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> David.

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