UI freeze exception

Charline Charline.poirier at Canonical.com
Wed Sep 21 08:34:20 UTC 2011

On 20/09/11 22:04, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On 20 September 2011 08:56, Charline<Charline.poirier at canonical.com>  wrote:
>> We have filed a UI freeze exception to add system settings icon to the
>> launcher [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/764744].  This
>> bug is critical.  It would be much appreciated if you could add a
>> comment acknowledging this bug so it can be fixed promptly.
> I disagree that the bug is critical. In fact, pitti and I already
> commented on the bug report that the proposed change would make things
> worse for netbook and even some laptop users by reducing the amount of
> space for running apps in the launcher by default.
In usability testing this has been repeatedly an issue.  Participants 
failed any task that requires they use system settings. System settings 
is critical to users and critical to adoption. We should include by 
default in the launcher anything that is critical to usage. It would be 
a great improvement if we could fix this now.
> But since we're talking about adding things to the launcher, no one
> from Design has commented on http://pad.lv/778289 despite it being
> brought up a few times on the Ayatana list.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Bicha


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