Fault on webpage Ubuntu

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 12 16:05:57 UTC 2011

Hi :)
I think installing to a Mac machine is notoriously tricky.  The Community Documentation has a lot of pages about different specific machines and the various tweaks needed in order to try to get everything working.  Hopefully you can find or are using the right page?
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 25/10/11, nico <nvdzouw at gmail.com> wrote:

From: nico <nvdzouw at gmail.com>
Subject: Fault on webpage Ubuntu
To: ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Tuesday, 25 October, 2011, 12:00

Dear Ubuntu member,
I have a iMac and try desparately to install Ubuntu. And i found a page on de mactelsupport page to do so:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation#Mac_OSX.2C_XP.2C_and_Ubuntu

In the list it is strongly advised not to use bootcamp to install windows, so i did. Windowsetup started and when i choosed the only partition possible it said it was not possible to do so, except when i reset the partition. So i did. Windows installer went on and after a while windows was restarting. As described in point 6 i pressed option while restarting. And to my big surprise OSX was gone. After inserting OSX-install disc there was only one disc, unknown. Windows setup had messed around my OSX, how? Lucky OSX had timemachine... after 2 hours i had OSX back running as before.

I thought i had partintioned the part Windows as FAT but am not sure. 
Anyway, in the tekst of installing Ubuntu aside with windows and OSX should be mentioned in point 3 to take care at this point and in pouint 5 mention: "do not format anything in windows, use only to use it. If this option is not possible use maybe Linux livecd.

thanks for the article anyway, i will continue to install ubuntu but with bootcamp. Are you interested in followup?
Thanks for all the work,

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