Docs team blog

Chris cyber.druif at
Sun Jun 5 23:06:55 UTC 2011

It might also be something for the news team to keep up-to-date/remind us we
should post more on it? #ubuntu-news for more info and of course
I like a lot of the points you mentioned in your list. But it is indeed also
a good question to ask if maintaining another source/thing is something we
want to do.

With metta,

Chris Druif

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 18:01, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at> wrote:

> Hey Jared,
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote:
>> My 2 cents:
>> I like the concept, I'd definitely add it to my reader. As long as it's
>> not used instead of existing infrastructure of the mailing list and irc I'd
>> be all for it.
> I only see it as duplicating things with stuff like meeting minutes, but I
> think that's a pretty trivial thing to post in more than one place. And
> having meeting minutes on a blog provides access to that info to people who
> otherwise wouldn't have any idea what is going on with docs.
> I wouldn't want to have docs-team discussions on the blog like the ones
> that we have on the mailing list, but in some cases, a conversation on our
> mailing list might prompt us to write a blog post if awareness or input from
> the broader community could be helpful, though.
>> I think some of the things you've mentioned are better suited to the
>> mailing list (meeting minutes, discussions) but others (presenting issues,
>> featuring help projects, demonstrations, tips) would all be great to be in a
>> blog. I think the emphasis would have to be contributing to the efforts and
>> not just moving it from one medium to another (or just simply duplicates
>> efforts) I think it would be useful for the team and the public.
> Thanks for your input, Jared.
> One thing to keep in mind is team bandwidth. Our primary goal is to produce
> user help, but this may be something where we have to expend some effort at
> the outset so that increase our team bandwith in the long-run.
> I know that this is also an issue of creating additional stuff for the team
> to maintain. What do others think about this? Do you think the long-term
> benefits would be worth the effort and maintenance required?
> Jim
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