Deleting wiki pages

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Thu Jul 14 14:23:48 UTC 2011

Hi :)
I just caught a older email in this thread and saw the point about deleting the 
histories but archiving the latest versions of the pages.  All good
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Phil Bull <philbull at>
To: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
Cc: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at>
Sent: Thu, 14 July, 2011 15:18:59
Subject: Re: Deleting wiki pages

Hi Tom,

On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 14:49 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
> I worry that accumulated knowledge will get deleted along with some of
> the trash.  If words or even coding says "dapper" then often just a
> search&replace is enough to bring it right up for lucid, maverick or
> even natty on gnome.  Minor changes might make it relevant to Debian
> surely?

It's possible that that's the case for some pages. However, I would
argue that for the most part, pages written for unsupported versions of
Ubuntu are now so outdated that the instructions are completely
irrelevant or, worse, dangerous. Core technologies which commonly cause
issues, like NetworkManager and Xorg, have changed very significantly
over the past two years or so. It's unlikely that pages discussing these
are salvageable.

We don't really have the resources to go through every page and
meticulously check if the outdated instructions are benign and trivially
updated, or so old as to be actively dangerous. By deleting them all, we
may lose a small amount of useful information, but we'll be removing a
lot of junk. I think it's a price worth paying. We'll have the backups
anyway if we accidentally delete something important.


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