Status of the Ubuntu Docs in Natty+Oneiric

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Jul 13 09:29:02 UTC 2011

El ds 09 de 07 de 2011 a les 11:16 +0100, en/na Matthew East va
> Hi,
> On 9 July 2011 10:01, Hannie <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at> wrote:
> > We, Ubuntu Dutch Translators, are currently translating gnome-user-docs, the
> > Ubuntu Desktop Guide you get when you press F1 in Ubuntu Natty (with Unity),
> >
> > But following the discussion on this subject, see discussions below, I am
> > not sure what I'll get when I press F1 in Oneiric. If gnome-user-docs is no
> > longer going to be used in Oneiric (Unity), there is no point in continuing
> > translating the Natty version, since we are not far from the Oneiric
> > release. On the other hand, if it will be used in Oneiric, finishing the
> > Natty version is important because it is likely that most of the strings
> > will also appear in the Oneiric version.
> The latter position is correct. The strings currently used in
> gnome-user-docs (natty) will be present in the ubuntu-docs package
> (oneiric), although updates will be made to reflect changes to the
> software as between natty and oneiric. For now it is worth translating
> gnome-user-docs (natty) because updates will be shipped to this
> package. Do not translate any oneiric documentation, it is too early
> in the release and these strings may change.
> The gnome-user-docs (oneiric) package will contain the upstream
> documentation and will be used for gnome-shell (not installed by
> default).
> > Another issue is the upstream translation. I can upload the Launchpad
> > translation, once it is finished on Launchpad, to Gnome-nl. But I want to
> > know if, in the LP document, there are strings added for the Ubuntu users
> > only.
> About half the strings in gnome-user-docs (natty) come from
> gnome-user-docs upstream, so it is worth uploading the translations.
> > And as for ubuntu-docs,
> >, is this what
> > is called the new topic-based help help ("Desktop Help"), and will this be
> > used in Oneiric?
> No, this will be dropped in Oneiric. This is documentation for the
> ubuntu-classic desktop, which is present in Natty, but not in Oneiric.

Hi Matthew,

I know we're not yet in documentation string freeze, but many people
tend to start translating regardless, and I'd like to minimize the waste
of effort. To be clear, although discouraged, it's up to the translators
themselves to decide whether they want to translate at this point. There
is not much we or the docs team can do to avoid that.

In any case, one thing we can do is to disable the templates that we're
certain that are not going to be used for the release.

Is there any template we should disable from this list?



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator / /
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