HTML for (Re: Custom Mallard XSLT)

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Apr 28 22:34:35 UTC 2011

On 16 April 2011 20:43, Shaun McCance <shaunm at> wrote:
> At Jim's request, I cooked up some XSLT/CSS customization for the
> yelp-xsl Mallard stylesheets. These are designed to create HTML
> that fits with the overall Ubuntu look for the web. Probably a
> fair amount of work needs to be done yet to integrate this into
> I don't know how to do that off-hand.

I've done some work on this, with quite a lot more hand-holding from
Shaun, and pushed it to the natty branch. To test it, run "make
gnome-help" from the "libs" directory in the branch.

The output is here:

It's pretty much ready to go. To-do items include:

1. On the index page, the mouseover images are not working. They did
in Shaun's version so I have screwed something up. I can't immediately
figure out why this is happening so anyone with some html/css/xsl
knowledge would be very helpful if they could take a look. All the
code is in libs/ubuntu.xsl.

2. We need to figure out what to do with links to software-center and
language-support. This is an issue which we have had in previous
releases. The answer is probably to manually build html for the help
for those packages too and include it on I won't wait
for this to be resolved before pushing the main documentation. But it
is not something that we have a satisfactory solution for.

3. On very short pages the bottom of the page doesn't look right. As
per 1. for any css gurus!

Please have a look and let me know if you see any other big picture issues.

Matthew East
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