Ubuntu docs in 11.04

Shaun McCance shaunm at gnome.org
Fri Apr 22 15:47:12 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-04-22 at 06:44 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> On 19 April 2011 07:12, Matthew East <mdke at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > On 19 April 2011 07:08, David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> >> However, in order to enable the new 'gnome-help' and 'user guide' ones,
> >> their POT templates need to be generated during the source package
> >> build, which does not seem to be the case.
> >>
> >> Could someone from the docs team investigate this?
> >
> > I will look into this - I assumed that this would be done
> > automatically as part of the Gnome build process.
> I have looked at this but unfortunately have not been able to figure
> out why this is not happening as it should. From a packaging point of
> view I don't think that anything should be different from previous
> releases of gnome-user-docs.
> I have filed a bug here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-user-docs/+bug/768814
> If anyone who knows something about the Gnome build process could take
> a look at the package, that would be appreciated.

So I don't know where in the Ubuntu build process this is
all happening. Is this building from bzr or a released

The top srcdir should contain a file gnome-doc-utils.make
Line 364 should look like this:

_DOC_POT = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(DOC_MODULE).pot)

Try changing that to this:

_DOC_POT = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(DOC_MODULE).pot,\
$(if $(DOC_ID),$(DOC_ID).pot))

That should make 'make pot' work, which is what happened
for DocBook documents. Can somebody check to see if that's
all that's needed?


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