UI freeze exception request for Unity

Barry Drake b.drake at ntlworld.com
Sat Apr 16 10:22:13 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 18:51 +0200, David Barth wrote: 
> Look for the latest revision of unity & unity-asset-pool.

I'm really puzzled.  I've attached three screenshots.  I get sidebar.png
when I boot into Natty.  If I delete something, I get sidebar1.png and
if I empty the trash bin, I get sidebar3.png.  Before I do any more
screenshots for the new 'getting started' manual, I need to know what I
ought to be seeing.  Maybe I ought to re-install Natty?  It is
up-to-date as of this morning.

Regards,		Barry.
Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.
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