A patch!

Vikram Dhillon dhillonv10 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 22:57:55 UTC 2011

Hi Isabell,

Reply is inline :)

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Isabell Long <isabell121 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Vikram,
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 04:02:17PM -0400, Vikram Dhillon wrote:
>> Welcome :) now regarding this patch, we can use it but it is often
>> preferred that you submit a bzr diff (which is basically a bzr style
>> patch), I take it that you are familiar with bzr right?
> Yes.  Thanks.  I did use the "bzr send -o foo.diff" command earlier for
> another patch I did, following Jim's recommendation - is that what you
> mean?

I think that's the command that makes what we call a bazaar bundle,
and yea please do so. bzr bundle > my-changes.diff

>> Another even easier way is to get the ubuntu-docs
>> branch, then make your changes and push it to a different branch on
>> launchpad, then write a merge proposal and get your work in :)
> A different branch such as lp:~issyl0/ubuntu-docs/natty?  I would prefer that method - it's more "classic" - I'm more used to it.  How about I do that
> for now?

Check this out:

That's what a code-review looks like, which is done after you make a
branch, I believe this will help [1]. Please look through the tutorial
and tell me if it makes sense. The branch name doesn't matter so much.
It also makes it easier to review your changes. I will get back to you
with more details tomorrow, how about that?

>> Now I understand that's a lot of work, tell me which method you prefer and
>> I'll walk you through them, alright?
> The second.  :-)
> Thanks,
> Isabell.

[1] http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/#merging-your-work-into-the-parent-branch

Vikram Dhillon

To perceive is to suffer.

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