Gnome docs update before Beta 2?

Matthew East mdke at
Tue Apr 12 11:42:58 UTC 2011

On 12 April 2011 12:31, Giuseppe Terrasi <peppe84 at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Il 12/04/2011 13:25, Matthew East ha scritto:
>> Yes, I think that is the "proper" solution. I suppose that in terms of
>> support the gnome build environment could be reused, but I'm not
>> familiar enough with it nor will I have enough spare time over the
>> next few days to work on this. If we can't get this done, I think the
>> solution is to ship a slimmed down version of ubuntu-docs with just
>> those documents.
> And sorry Matt.
> What about server-guide? It will be include in ubuntu-docs or into
> separately package?

We will keep all documents in our branch, but server-guide is not
included in any package since Maverick, we just put it on the website.

> Something will be published in h.u.c?

Yes, although we'll need to figure out how to do this...

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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