committing changes

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at
Sat Sep 25 12:28:07 UTC 2010

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:11 AM, Connor Imes <rocket2dmn at> wrote:

> Hi Dan, see my responses in line.
> On 09/24/2010 11:21 PM, Dan 'Da Man' wrote:
> > Now that I have been so graciously granted the ability to commit
> > changes, I have some questions regarding the exact methods to commit
> > changes.  First, does committing changes differ greatly than how I
> > have already been committing changes?
> No, from the point where you have previously taken your diffs, you can
> commit rather than posting the patch to an LP bug.  After your commit,
> you can mark the bug as Fix Committed.  For fixes that are for specific
> bugs, you can use the --fixes option in the commit command.  e.g.:
>    bzr commit -m "fix for xyz" --fixes lp:12345
> > Second, if I find something
> > that needs to be changed, should I file a bug before making and
> > committing the fix to the bug?
> This is not needed.  Before the package is built, Matthew (or somebody
> else) will update the debian changelog based on the commit messages.  If
> you are making large changes, it's not a bad idea to run it by the
> mailing list or file a bug report as a place to post a big patch for
> review.
> > Third, after making the changes/fixes,
> > should I push the commits to my own branch (lp:~heymrdjd/...) before
> > committing to the trunk.
> This is also not needed.  Per best practices with version control
> systems, each commit should be for a separate fix so they can be rolled
> back if needed or applied to other branches individually.
> > Fourth, does committing to the trunk make
> > actual changes to the (x/k/edu)ubuntu-docs package?
> >
> No, the changes you commit will become available after the package is
> built and pushed into the Ubuntu repos.  This usually means there are
> multiple fixes each time a new version of the package is released.  When
> the package is built and pushed to the Ubuntu repos is also the point
> where bugs fixed be marked as Fix Released.
> Finally, also see [1]
> [1]
> Cheers,
> -Connor
Do other contributors make use of "bzr bind" to bind their local doc repo to
trunk?  I have found this to be helpful in case someone else had updated
trunk while I was working on the docs locally . . .  by having my branch
bound to trunk, I prevented myself from un-merging changes that another
person had made.

I seem to recall that being on the doc team wiki, but I can't seem to find
it now.

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