bzr push

Dan 'Da Man' heymrdjd at
Mon Sep 20 16:28:14 UTC 2010

I have been having some trouble push my revisions to the appropriate
project.  I've tried to push changes to xubuntu-docs/maverick but I
keep getting an error like this:

bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock
Transport operation not possible: readonly transport

I assume that I am either inputting the commands incorrectly or I do
not have sufficient privileges to push revisions to the main doc
projects.  Is the only way I can push revisions to Launchpad is to
send them to a branch I have created i.e.

Even while I have done that (pushed to my own branch), everytime I
make a bundle, the resulting file shows all the previous revisions I
have made, not just the most recent one.  I have learned a command to
produce a file with the most recent revision, but how else can I
resolve the issue of pushing/merging my revisions with the main/parent
branch so that the main branch is a mirror of mine?  Am I capable of
achieving that or does a member with sufficient privileges have to do
that on my behalf?

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